The silence laughs along with the fact that I won't be sleeping again tonight

October 31, 2009

Everyone hail to the Pumpking song!!

Did you notice the moon here in Finland?

October 30, 2009

New TH @ MTV *____*

How can a Friday night get better than this? I wouldn't change this for just any Jap....

October 29, 2009

Post office, here we come!

Finally getting my copy of Alive. It's a true story of a rugby team and their planecrash in to the Andis. Read it or watch the movie with Ethan Hawke.

October 27, 2009

Mum + tat = eternal coolness

So mum went to get the tattoo we bought her for her 50th bday, and here it is!!

It represents her three girls; me, Noora and Miia <3

October 26, 2009

Sitting in Pub Ikkuna for a few~

It's so peaceful and there's music too~

Touristing XD

Starting the sightseeing from Kauppahalli, then to the Chinese supermarket and after that churches and so on...

October 24, 2009

15.10 Osaka

Waiting for Koukis flight with Noora since Sanna is running late...

Watching TRTA, Kyo *_____*;

Getting dreads once more while watching my boys, can a Friday night get any better?

Kouki is coming tomorrow so it's a trip to the airport yet again. When will it be my turn to fly?

October 20, 2009

Cleaned the whole apt including this!

Been meaning to arrange and declutter the computerarea for ages now. How do you like?

October 18, 2009

All work and no play

People are meeting SCREW >_< me wants too!!

October 16, 2009

Finally home~

No snow u.u

I heart travelling.

Oh how nice that the train is packed to the MAX!! Not. Heading back to Espoo now, tomorrow starts Tsukicon... yay?

October 14, 2009

Should we be heading to bed?

A little pissed of about the coming weekend but... yeah... Karma, is this you? Because I think you're mistaken and a bit too bitchy. Seriously.

Waiting for Jarno to come home.

Went for another walk with Onni, made up a horrormovie feat . Pete Parkkonen and a busty, blonde Korean girl, their friends getting slaughtered by a bunch of inbred monsters and the girl getting saved by mr. Parkkonen after he's been tortured and the girl has blown up an armybase. Doesn't it sound like a movie you'd want to see? We're thinking that we'd name it something like 'a Northern Nightmare' or 'Final Day' (thanks to P. P)

Watching VD and playing with Onni

I've already seen these episodes so I guess playing with the monster and gazing into his stomach is a way to pass the time eh?

October 13, 2009

Sunset *_____*~

From Miia & Jarnos front door.

Fleamarket... fancy eh?

Hitler alarmclock!! The price was 45€ so I'm not really sure what was going on with it o_Ö

Sumo!!!!!! I'd put this to our kitchen ;D

Homemade crabpillow......

Chairs for our cafe in the future <3

Killermask on sale?

Morning + walking + -15c = angry me

Mornings just aren't my thing >_<; but after a brisk 1h walk I took a couple of hours worth of me time (aka sleep) and I'm all better... almost XD

Going to head out to do some digging at this big ass fleamarket, not that I have any money but it's so much fun to dig around what people are trying to sell!! I'll look for some real good stuff to post ;D

October 12, 2009

Losing my mind with this 8,D

Went out walking with Onni

The weather is quite crispy but doesn't it look beautiful?


Got a new shirt yesterday from Rinteenkulma's Lindex.

Heading back home now, karee on the menu today 8P


Strawberrychocomousse <3 and 60% hot milkchocolate *_____*

October 11, 2009

High School Musical marathon...

Managed to avoid these like the plague 'til now >_<;

To the city~

October 10, 2009

Trying to sleep.

I just wish these damn lights would go off ._.

Just saw Kata and had a quick chat, they were headed to Kauhava. It's funny that first we never see eachother (even though we live within 1km) and then this is the 2nd time this week XD

Well, (hopefully) off to sleep now~

October 9, 2009

Waiting for Sanna before heading North»»

Off to Rovaniemi for a week to see Miia, Jarno and Onni. It's ridiculous how much stuff I'm taking for a single week >_< but I do have two warm jackets and a blanket (for the 12+ hour trainride...).

October 5, 2009

Heading home~

Went for a cup of coffee (well in my case fruitie) with Sirian today and had a really good time even though I "had" to drag my loyal sidekick with me since her date bailed... again, without even telling that she's not coming. Well, surprisingly that isn't anything new but... yeah, I'll leave it to that since (technically) it isn't my business...

So I'd like to thank Sirian for the lovely company (next time, longer ne?) and Sanna too!!

Next time I'll see the big city will be, yup, you already know this; MUCC!!!!!


October 4, 2009

The fish don't like rain

Got some stuff for za comforty pizza from dear Alepa, thank god it's just around the corner!

Listening to Cristal Snow, I hope he doesn't start wearing suits all the time 8<

At work 8D

He just woke up and I couldn't resist a bit of videolove~

Listening to Mucc at a day like this, full of cold, wet grayness makes me feel way too depressed. I'm so looking forward to Wednesday but I'm also dreading the day like plague. I cried so hard the last time at Tavastia and I have no doubts this time it will not be as emotionally hard for me than then... *sigh* I love the band and their music (almost literally) to death so I can already guess what kind of a human wreck I'll be on Wed night *bitter smile*

Now I'll leave you with this deep insight to my mind and head to get some tuna and pineapple from dear ol' Alepa.

Posted by ShoZu


Heading home.

Going from Malmi to Pasila in a train full of drunkenass los espanjol chicas as loud as a fucking bunch of monkeys does seriously not match my preferences in any goddamned universe so could all of you just kindly go die the next time?

October 3, 2009


It says something about beautiful heart on the top, isn't it pretty? There's double eggyolk inside ;)

At the 2nd destination~

Waiting for Jun to arrive. He'd said he'd be here before 6PM but you know men, right? ;D

Ready to go, ready to flow!

Off to the big city and of course we're running late 8< well, I was giving dad instructions how he can resize and send multiple photos with imageshack... which proved to be somewhat difficult via phone XD but I'm (quite) smart and so is dad so we manage!!

Waiting for the train and there is THE CUTEST Japanese girl I've ever seen XD

Since we're running late today we're just quickly going to Tiketti to pick up the Mucc-tickets and then we're headed to the Wang household~

Touristplay some other day.

Moonriver wider than a mile...

Should be heading to bed (well I an in bed but to sleep I should say) since tomorrow it's party time with Sanna, Wang and he's friend, a crazy dude called Jun. Before that we (me and Noora of course) are heading to Helsinki to maybe see if the Sokos 3+1 days have anything to offer and after that it's tourist time in the older part of the city :D I think everything looks much more prettier in the autumn so expect some pictures haha~ I'll try to sneak some from them boys in the evening as well... maybe.

Of course since it is FALL again I'm mostly kinda bleh these days... And now with the moon and all! Not happy to be me *sigh* I hope like crazy that YUKKE and the rest of Mucc<3 will cheer me up like crazy next Wednesday! Well, as if they even could disappoint me. We're already decided that HELL YEAH we're going to go wait at 3PM, sharp!! My wrath has no mercy if don't get close to my beloved Yuketsuko this time! Even though I could almost smell her... erm, HIM in Tuska °_____°; but it'd be awesome this time around too kekeke~

Off to Candyland with Charlie and the rest of the unicorns!!

October 2, 2009

The flow of time...

Thank God we have some leftover pizza from yesterday, I'm starwing!

Today I won't do anything, but tomorrow we are going to have dinner with Sanna and Wang to celebrate a chinese moon festival! Which reminds me; Happy (late) 60th birhday China!

Off to eat~


The fucking idiot of a cat has pissed on my bed WHILE I've been asleep! I don't even know what to fucking do anymore. I'm just so tired of this shit nowadays.

October 1, 2009


...looking like a royal <3

The camera in this new phone isn't too shabby after all *laughs*

Trying out my new phone


I already have a pussy, I don't need another one...


My photo
Espoo, Finland - inkenheipaoi
mixi - 6067339
irc-galleria - jishou

visiting friends
taking photos
two half cats
music, music, music
hair extensions
plastic hair
my parents and my sisters ♥
derek hess
mark ryden
tim burton
johnny depp



This sunny Sunday
Is a good day to go
Guess you want me to stay
Well then let me know
And I hate to say
It's been a waste of time
I hate to interrupt the flow