went to lakus to hang out <3 she even fed us and gave us cookies!! there was also some talk that we'd go on a helsinki - a day in stockholm - helsinki cruise with her (and maybe sari and some other people) in march, i hope it'll work out 'cos that'd be super *__________*" then we go with heli as well, just need to think how we'll get her in if the age restriciton is 22 y/o or something idiotic like that >_<
got an email from dad (they're in thailand atm), he had petted and fed a lioncub ToT how wrong is that they get to go to asia before us and do THAT?! but they'll bring us shitload of stuff so i hope i'll live.
and we ended up not going to celebrate chinese and korean new year in helsinki on sunday.... i'm actually a bit mad but i don't want to be the one alway asking and shit, if you're going to be like that, then fine, we'll survive.
on our way home both me and noora were immersed with our cellphones haha~ well, what can you do? i actually wrote this shit twice in the train already, but my phone decided to be an ass and only up half of it so i had to write the rest on computer *gasp* well, that's a first like trent reznor would say :DD
ilmoittaudun viralliseksi stalkkaajaksi o/
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