our last.fm.... i can't understand why it still taggeg vanessa wrong m(_ _)m but still, they're in our top15!!
just got home from the big city, had a blast with laku and we're going to her place tomorrow towatch some movies, should be fun. she's that kind of a person that i canät believe we've only known for such a short amount of time............ <3 can't wait for next weekend though!!
bought a hairdye (couldn't decide wether to go all blonde/white so bought a... *gasp* black one >u<), (noora) shall use it on me maybe today?
went to the supersecret place today, but.... i got an email (from the person i'm emailing with XD) saying that while they usuallly are open till 6PM, today they'd be open only until 5PM.... so we hurry to hakaniemi and go to the wrong direction at first and realize that and turn to the right direction, walk a while in the freezing wind and finally locate the place and.... it's shut u_u it had a small note in the window saying they'd shut at 3PM, which makes me gringe and i checked once more that the email said 'til 5PM', which it said... so i think my person made a mistake and meant at 3PM (which is 15.00.... kinda like 5PM... right?) so now we have to go back next week ._. made a date with laku to go on tuesday because she's got to go there too... so i still have to wait till next week. sucks.
off to watch miami ink.
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