I don't usually fangirl (except for Hitsugi.....) and expecially not with this band..... BUT!! have you seen their videomessages from the K! tour? Even the freaking messiah did one AND!! he smiles in it *melts* go to youtube for the rest, but see this first, ok?
I just can't believe they all did these.... and I can't really write what I'm feeling right now, I'm not fangirling like crazy mind you... but I'm just feeling a huge respect towards them and considering how I've felt about them for a while now....*sigh* this is a good thing, okay. I just need to digest these a bit.
*U L T I M A T E★MELTING* (~*3*)~
shun-sama iz da kingu~ : DDDDD
ja rekorderlig mansikka-lime taitaa olla perintöprinssi *3*
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