So..... broke up with a friend who got me to move to Espoo. Things haven't been too brilliant with her lately but....
We met at the line waiting to meet Anti Feminism and Hagakure back in January 2007 and kept in touch even though we lived up in Rovaniemi and she lived here, met when we came here for gigs and spent an amazingly fun week in the summer of 2007 when we came to see Dir en grey first in Ankkarock and then in Sweden and spent the in-between-time with here...
We (I say we because I'm talking for both me and Noora) haven't actually had that many friendfriends over the years ('cos of some shit in the past = trust issues later) and I really thought we'd be friends for life even though that sounds korny as hell.
So, thanks to her, we move down here and for a while it seemed like everything would be peachy but yeah.. enter some happenings and skeptic-me and there we go. Oh yeah, and we got other friends besides her as well! Heli started to visit us and we met Laku in August 2008 (in the line waiting for Kagrra, where Sanna wasn't ready to come'cos "she didn't know anything by them, duh") and in all honesty, I think that was the last nail on the coffin.
Without telling all the things here this might not sound like such a serious matter but after over a year off the so called on-off-treatment from her part just breaks me and she doesn't even care. Like.... both Laku and Heli know more of this matter (as well as some others) but say that Heli would be coming over for the weekend. Sanna would a) not make any contact for the said time or b) try to hang out all the time. Oh yeah, and she hates Heli so..... we still haven't really figured out why she hates her though... this is one major reason why I'd prefer to befriend guys cos they say what they think and don't bitch about it to others instead of the person it concerns. (Even though everyone I know says that they like to say how the thing is rather thankeep it a secret but I onlyknowone person that follows this rule almost every time and I KNOW I don't do that myself either even though I say so....)
So, we lend her 40€ in the beginning of January cos she didn't have any money, and she has had our camera for the past year (give or take) cos we loaned it to her when she went to China and while there, the camera broke. It was working like always the week before and suddenly it supposedly "just didn't work anymore" when segot it.... okay, so she's been saying she'll get it fixed or she'll pay for it (it was only a year old..) but she's done jackshit about it the whole time. Last time Heli was here I had some minor argument over the fact that she hates her and after that she hasn't talked to me(or Noora for that matter) AT ALL. Again, without going to the details, I've been trying to get her to return the camera but she didn't answer to textmessages, on FB or IG and it was like I'd bea ghost trying to contact the living without knowing I'm dead.
I sent her one last txt saying something like if she at least could return the 40€ (if our friendship was in her opinion over) cos we didn't have any money in the end of Jan and we needed to pay some bills as well (side note: she's that kind of a person who lends money but expects it back the day before if you know what I mean) and I also wrote her a private message on FB saying something about some things in a "I'm so pissed at you right now but I'm trying my hardest not to show it"-manner. So after a day I go check out my bank balance (since we needed to go to the shop and I wasn't really sure how much money I had left) and I have this extra 40€ there. At first I thought it was from my dad but after checking the name, Sanna. So I don'tknow if it's just me and my paranoid mind but doesn't that sound like a "This is it biatch, don't contact me ever again"-message without words? Cos I know her and how she thinks and.....
Neithe ro f us have heard about her since. I've been so pissed about this that defriended her from my FB and IG but just today Noora told me she had updated her status that she had gotten in to a school she applied (well, good luck and fuck that) and Noora asked if she'd gotten in but she has repliied to her other friend and totally ignored Noora! This just pisses me off even more and... SHIT!!!!! I'm just so over this drama that I want my stuff from her (inc. the camera or money for it) and we don't ever ever ever have to even see each other. She was deaddrunk in the evening party of Tsukicon and while glingin to me the whole night (she's said that I'ma better friend than Noora cos apparently it makes Noora a bad friend that if we're going somewhere with more than her and Noora is trying to talk to our other friends and I get stuck with her = in her mind I wanna be with her andN doesn't...... even though I tried to hide from her with Minna she kept crying on and on about how we're her only friends besides her husband......... Yeah? Well, in my opinion real friends don't treat each others like this.
I had something else as wellbut we need to go get Minna from Morticia and we're going to have a Guitar Hero-party tonight XD
So..... in conclusion, so long Nana Stardust. (we're thru and I don't know if it'd help even though you'd tried to patch things up so.... maybe better not to try.
1 comment:
asia yks: tykkään sun blogista
asia kaks: mua ärsyttää teidän puolesta tuo kamera. kattokaa että saatte sen takas
asia kolme: sannan pitäis tulla hieman nyt kyllä teitä vastaan. olipa syy mikä hyvänsä möks möks saa aina olla mut tyhmistä tytöistä ei kukaan tykkää. hieman on pääsy oma napa peittämään peilikuvan.
asia neljä: jos tää viimenen kiksaus johtuu oikeesti siitä et sanna on oikeesti rikkonu sen kameran eikä vaan myönnä sitä niin en tiiä pitääkö tässä ruveta vanhempia syyttä kasvatuksen puutteesta.
asia viisi: on kyllä niin helkutin naurettava koko tilanne et joku ansaitsee potkun kankulle.
asia kuusi: hyvä kun ootte yrittäny olla nätisti vaikka vituttaakin
asia 7: heti kun saatte kameran takasin, en vaivautus olemaan yhteyksissä ellei sannan ala pikkasen tulla vastaan näissä asioissa.
asia 8: tosi kiva tää blogi
asia 9: nyt loppu
asia 10: no tää vielä!
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